Thursday, July 22, 2010

Acne Scars?

i use to have really bad acne but they cleared up.but now i have acne scars.i don't want to try any store product that are really strong.just something that will clear them. wat should i use(name bards or any ideas.

=] thanxAcne Scars?
Directly rub potato slices all over the face and wash after 30 minutes this when done regularly , helps to get rid of acne, blemishes and pimple scar. Check out for more useful info.Acne Scars?
Neutrogena makes an Acne Mark Fading kind of scrub. You can get it at Walgreens for around $15 or so. I tried it before a year or two ago and it worked well and pretty fast. It's not harsh on your skin either.

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