Thursday, July 22, 2010

Acne Scars?????????????????????

Can doctors presribe anything for acne scars?

Or did anything in particular work for you?Acne Scars?????????????????????
Rubbing ice gently on your face will help the scars to go away quickly. And use sunscreen ONLY if it doesn't irritate your skin, sometimes sunscreen lotion can increase acne. Eat veggies and 8 glasses of water everyday ( I know it sucks! ) Don't touch the scars or it will get worse. Generally, light acne scars go away eventually. Just be patient.Acne Scars?????????????????????
it depends. if yours are deep, you will need laser treatment.

however, if they are red surface scars, there is not really much you can do about them. don't put anything harsh or abrasive on your face, ever! i wouldn't even use a scrub. my dermatologist said they should just eventually go away on their own. sunscreen is very important to put on them as the sun can increase scarring. it's been about 6 months since my last break out (i'm on birth control and Differin [prescription face cream]) and my acne scars are almost 100% gone just from taking good care of my skin.
Neutrogena has some great anti acne products! Egg mask is also great for whitening the skin (removing acne and whitening acne scars)

Here's a video to show you how:

It really does help! I've done it quite many times now and my acne scars are barely visible anymore. I also use Neutrogena anti acne products after I wake up in the morning and before I go to sleep.
I used Mederma scar cream, and it worked great. My scars totally faded away. You can get it at drugstores, and Wal-mart.

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