Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the best way to get rid of acne scars?

I have them all over my chin and now my chin is at least 2 shades darker than the rest of my face. I don't have oily skin and I drink a lot of water. I have used a whole bunch of different stuff, but i tend to break-out because i have very sensitive facial skin. If anyone knows a solution to get rid of acne scars, it will be greatly appreciated.What is the best way to get rid of acne scars?
Do you have those red/brown marks after the pimple heals that seem to never go away? If so I have some tips:

1. I use an exfoliating brush every other day,Pretika makes a cheap one. It makes your skin feel cleaner as well.

2. For a toner I use a 50/50 concentrate of apple cider vinegar and water. It helps LOADS for red marks.

3. Use products with vitamin e,to help heal.

These will help speed up the process.

There's also microdermbrasion procedures and lasers for really extensive damage.What is the best way to get rid of acne scars?
Below are some of the things that you should do to not only get rid of acne but also keep it away.

Tip #1- Try to maintain a clean skin as much as possible. By keeping your skin clean you are preventing dirt and bacteria from accumulating and clogging your pores. The best way to do that is to wash your face at least twice per day with a gentle wash that also contains salicylic acid to prevent your skin from drying out.

Tip #2- Do not attempt to pop your pimples. I know how tempting this can be but trust me it is much better to not to touch or try to pop your pimples. The reason is simple also; if you try to pop your pimples you will introduce microscopic dirt and bacteria from your fingers into the pimple which will make it worse.

Tip #3- Drink a lot of water daily. Water will naturally detoxify your body and flush out the build up of toxins that can cause acne and other diseases. It will also hydrate your skin and make it look glowing and beautiful.

Tip #4- Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables every day. This will help to build your immune system to help you fight of infections. At the same time you should try and avoid all types of fatty foods and too much sugary foods at least until your acne is gone.

Tip #5- Get enough rest. Lack of sleep can cause a build up of stress and stress is a main contributing factor to acne. So simple getting enough rest can have a major improvement on your skin.
Following are four tips to help you get rid of acne overnight. Follow these easy steps and you will wake up to new skin!

(1) Apply ice directly to the affected area of skin. This is the top remedy for acne, especially if your acne causes your skin to swell. Not only will the ice eliminate swelling, it has also been known to get rid of the pimples as well, although you need to allow at least two days of icing the area in order to see this result.

(2) Apply toothpaste to the affected area. It might sound strange, but it works! Wash your face thoroughly with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. Then apply toothpaste to the acne areas and leave on for 20 minutes. You can then wash your face again and pat dry. Do this each evening right before you go to bed. You will be amazed when you wake up in the morning!

(3) Drink plenty of water. Because water is your body's natural method of cleansing, it is imperative that you drink enough water to keep it cleansed. You will not believe what a difference you will see in your skin just by drinking pure water! You need at least two liters (64 ounces) each day.

(4) Exfoliate your skin! One of the biggest factors that cause acne is that your skin is not getting properly cleaned. Using a gentle exfoliation will rub away the dead skin and impurities, revealing only fresh, revitalized skin. It is recommended to exfoliate each evening for one week and then reduce usage to two nights a week thereafter.
If you do not have existing acne, you can buy a TCA peel from ebay.

Look up TCA Peel on google and you will get a lot of information about it. It is usually administered by a professional because this is an acid peel and can be dangerous -so do your research before you buy!

You will probably need to take about a week off from work, because your skin will peel for a week but underneath will be beautiful fresh skin.

This is one of the best ways to get rid of acne scars, it is used by celebrities, but like I said, you can buy yours off ebay (make sure it is a low percentage like 8%!) and do it yoursef (do your research!)

Pictures of TCA peel before after acne scars鈥?/a>
Treatment Mask

1/2 lemon (squeezed)

1 egg white

1 tsp aloe vera gel

Beat egg white (tightens skin), lemon (astringent) juice and aloe vera gel (calms inflammation) together. Apply directly to face (avoid your eyes) and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water.
This really helped me

good luck bro!

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