Monday, November 21, 2011

How do I get rid of my acne scars?

What can I eat or apply on my face to get rid of my acne scars? Does ScarZone and mederma work? If yes, which one works more?


How to I make my skin tone ever?

My scars aren't serious scars, but Id like to get rid of them. Thanks in advance for helping.How do I get rid of my acne scars?
Try coco butter cream nd coco butter lotion they both workHow do I get rid of my acne scars?
Crucial, could finally find a solution for this problem,read this blog before taking any action


Thanks to this blog, it helped me a lot to find the best method.

Hope this helps
warm water mixed with honey and oatmeal.Make it like a mask.Its a little gewy but draws the purple scars out to bumps that will heal.Just dont pick!
you cant, that's why they are called ';scars'; duhhhhh!!!

How can I get rid of acne scars?

Pleast don't say go to a dermatologist, because I know that and I can't afford that right now. I usually break out about once a month (around when I get my monthly!) and its usually just one or two BIG acne cysts which stay on my face for months. wtf. What are some good store bought products which can minimize their appearance and reduce scarring or get rid of it completely?How can I get rid of acne scars?鈥?/a>

you should try using that, its not available in stores so you can only buy it online. it works greatHow can I get rid of acne scars?
You need Retin- A to treat cystic acne. its a prescription product but you can find it online as well, just be weary and if you can get it from your doctor. Use a exfoliating product and a cream with benzoyl peroxide to reduce scarring and breakouts. Glycolic peels from an esthetician would also help you out but they can be pricey.
depending on how bad your scars are, will decide what treatment you need. laser treatment can totally revive your skin! sometimes you might just need a micro-dermabration or a chemical peel.
netrogena acne free facial scrub works good..or they have a gel that u put on and it minimizes the size of the pimple...and wat about your doctor? they can persribe you medicine 4 that
  • korres
  • How do you get rid of acne scars?

    I have acne on my back...not anymore but I used to have the habit of picking at my acne...until they disappeared and turned into brown spots on my back. Neosporin doesn't work and I don't have a lot of money to spare...are there any inexpensive or natural ways to get rid of the scars?How do you get rid of acne scars?
    With a bleach and tone creamHow do you get rid of acne scars?
    My acne had totally disappeared in only 3 days

    I know that what I am about to reveal to you can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth!

    I am about to let you in on the scientifically-proven secrets that cured my acne in 3 days, without any harsh prescription drugs or the never-ending expense of over-the-counter products that don't work, and changed my life forever.

    No matter what you may think about your acne or what you have been told, I am going to show you the fast and easy way to get rid of your pimples, zits, whiteheads, and blackheads, so you too can get out there and LIVE your life...without the fear and low self-esteem acne creates...

    For, More Information,鈥?/a>

    How to get rid of acne scars?

    I have ALOT of acne scars and I don't know how to make them fade!

    Please give reviews/ suggest some products that can fade and remove my acne scars!How to get rid of acne scars?
    Exfoliating :D

    It helps them peel away. My favorite exfoliator is St. Ives Apricot Scrub it can be found at Target and it's not that expensive.

    Look for products with Hydroquinone and put only on the scars !How to get rid of acne scars?
    Have you tried an at home microdermabrasion kit? You can buy one at ulta and their about $35 and it fades your scars but its not as harsh as a real microdermabrasion but the results are very good. Also try to fade your acne scars by using Sandal wood powder, palin yogurt, a little honey, and fresh lemon or lime juice. Mix the ingredients to make a paste and then put it on your face until it dries.
    Clinique has a new product that is a skin tone corrector that claims to be able to reduce acne scarring. If over the counter treatments like this or oils don't work you may have to see your dermatologist who can give you prescription strength lotions or chemical peals to undo the damage. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
    The Body Shop recently came out with a new and improved Tea Tree line. There is a product there called Blemish Fade Night lotion. It has two types of Tea Tree in it, as well as the recently added Tamanu oil. All of these help control oil, prevent future breakouts, and reduce post acne scarring and redness. Check it out!
    I don't know where you are, or if they sell this in other countries but I'm in the UK.

    Try Bio-oil.

    It's used for all sorts of things, incluidng reducing acne scars.
    i Had AWFUL Acne Scars, But My Doctor Prescribed This Gel Called Retin A, Which Works By Gradually Peeling Your Skin.. It Really Worked For Me.

    How do I get rid of acne scars ?

    I have no breakouts at all on my face ( it's smooth ) but i have these scar from old breakouts; it makes it look like i have pimples when i don't. How do I get rid of them and about how long would it take ?How do I get rid of acne scars ?
    well i use to have acne scars on my face and they are all gone because i had a tan on the beach...when you tan..ur skin gets burnt %26amp; peels off taking the colored pigement from the scar with worked for me....try itHow do I get rid of acne scars ?
    i had a lot of scars too, and i tried the proactiv scar solution, but it didnt show much difference. personally, the tanning thing worked for me as well. just tan, and they will start belnding in and eventually they will disappear. it took at least a month and a half for me.
    it will stay there for ages to come, only time will help... ( few more years at least) do not try some silly tricks, it won't work.

    and stop worrying about this.
    Try Miderma...over the counter. It takes care of scars. Determining how long it takes depends on the severity of the scar.
    you can go and get a chemical peal! or you can get over the counter stuff to help remove the blemishes and scares! just look around the make-up sections!
    Unfortunately, the only way to get rid of noticeable acne scars is through laser surfacing.
    salicylic acid neutrogena has a line called advance solutions
    Fade cream. You will find it at any drugstore.

    Acne scars?

    well they aren't really acne scars, they are just black dots sort of.. more like a dark circle where the pimple was.

    i don't even have bad pimples.. but every couple of weeks i get a pimple and it leaves a big discoloured mark. The marks are a darkish red colour and are still there even after the pimple has fully healed.

    I use eryacne gel on them.. the doctor prescribed it for me and it helps loads with the pimples i get every so often.. because I HATE PIMPLES.

    they are barely noticeable, and if i put on makeup you can't even see them.. but they still annoy me..

    so does anyone know how to get rid of them?

    thanks for any answers :)Acne scars?
    Make sure, whatever you do, do NOT pick at the pimples. What starts out as a dark spot can turn into acne scars as you age. Also, if you're having problems with pimples, stay away from heavy makeup, pick an oil free type with anti-acne capabilities (Neutrogena makes a great concealer). Try just using a tinted moisturizer instead of foundation, and make sure you're washing your face morning and night, and using an acne cream on your oily spots, even when there is no pimple (To prevent future pimples) Burt's Bees makes a good product to help with the redness called Deep Cleansing Cream, it's 97% natural, and has rosemary and menthol to help minimize redness.Acne scars?
    There isn't a lot you can do. They fade with time. Some people say you can have laser treatment to lessen the redness. Going out in the sun also helps a bit too.

    the little pills that you open and theres vitamin E inside is the best answer. Gets rid of scars asap and works the bast naturally
    solution: dermaline skin whitening cream.
    These tips might help with this and help you clear them up al together -鈥?/a>

    Hope i could help =]
    use lightening cream - I have some from Avon that works very well...Good luck! :)

    Acne scars?

    I got rid of all my acne recently about a month ago alil more, but the problem now is that i have a few acne spots. (only 3 or 4) i dont know why they anoy me so much. Can someone tell me what to do to get rid of the acne scars.Acne scars?
    Most serious scarring is caused by the more severe forms of acne, with nodules more likely to leave permanent scars than other types of acne. The best way to deal with acne is to get treatment soon after the acne appears to prevent further severe acne and more scarring. If you have nodules, see your doctor or dermatologist for treatment.

    If you have serious scarring from previous bouts with acne, there are some things you can do. One form of treatment is laser resurfacing, which can be done in the doctor's or dermatologist's office. The laser removes the damaged top layer of skin and tightens the middle layer, leaving skin smoother. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. The doctor will try to lessen any pain by first numbing the skin with local anesthesia. It usually takes between 3 and 10 days for the skin to heal completely.

    Another method for treating acne scarring is dermabrasion, which uses a rotating wire brush or spinning diamond instrument to wear down the surface of the skin. As the skin heals, a new, smoother layer replaces the abraded skin. It may take a bit longer for skin to heal using dermabrasion 鈥?usually between 10 days and 3 weeks.

    The newest form of treatment for acne scarring is called fractional laser therapy. This type of treatment works at a deeper level than laser resurfacing or dermabrasion, Because fractional laser therapy doesn't wound the top layer of tissue, healing time is shorter. Fractional laser therapy is quite costly, and it's not usually covered by insurance.

    A person's acne will need to be under control before having any of these treatments.

    Depending on the severity of the acne scars, the doctor or dermatologist may also suggest a chemical peel or microdermabrasion to help improve the appearance of scarred areas. These milder treatments can be done right in the office.

    Sometimes doctors inject material under the scar to raise it to the level of normal skin. Finally, in some cases, a doctor may recommend surgery to remove deeply indented scars.

    One thing you shouldn't do to deal with acne scars is load up your face with masks or fancy lotions 鈥?these won't help and may irritate your skin further, making the scars red and even more noticeable.

    If you have a red or brownish mark on your face that you got from a bad zit, have no fear 鈥?it will eventually fade, just like the scars you had on your knees after you fell off your bike when you were a kid. However, it may take 12 months or longer 鈥?so your best bet is to avoid these kinds of marks by not squeezing or popping your zits, no matter how tempting it may

    seemAcne scars?
    Try these remedies for acne scars -

    Make a paste of sandalwood and rose water. Apply this on the affected areas. Wash with warm water after drying. Sandalwood is very effective in removing the acne scars.

    Apply inside of papaya skin on your face and wash with water after an hour.

    Cucumber juice also when applied on the acne spots helps to fade the marks.

    Apply sunscreen lotion on the spots and then after an hour rub lemon juice on it. Lemon is very effective in lightening the spots.

    Apply tea tree oil on the scars. It will help to unclog the pores and heal the scars.
    for acne scars, i strongly recommend going on

    they have a 3 step kit that will work your wonders! i can guarantee it! i hope you can update me, so i can see if it works for you! [i swear it will!] i got it a couple days ago for my acne

    Mix nutmeg powder with a little unboiled milk and apply on acne and wash after an hour this remedy when done once or twice a week will not leave any acne marks on the skin . Check out for more useful info.
    My friend found something that worked for him at鈥?/a>
    damn Lilu went all crazy with this question! lol : )
    how did u get rid of your acne? :O :)
    well...can u at least tell me how u got rid of ur acne?

    i have tried everything except proactiv, but the way things are goin with all other acne solutions, that might not work either